Chakras & Subtle Bodies

You will learn about the Chakras, the etheric body and how yoga benefits not only your physical body but also your energetic body. The connections between the Chakras and your glandular system and the importance of bringing your practice to a deeper pranic level.

The physical body is made of energy that vibrates very slowly, which is why it appears to our physical eyes to be solid. Through lack of information we have tended to focus exclusively on the physical aspect of ourselves without recognizing that it is actually created from and sustained by the energetic layers that are outside of our normal vision.

These energetic layers or subtle bodies create an interconnected field of energy around the physical body that is commonly known as the auric field. Each subtle body connects into the physical body via an energy point or Chakra, which directs the energy into the physical body via the meridian systems.

In this workshop you are going to learn about the subtle bodies in order to understand its connections with the physical body and how to use this knowledge in your yoga sessions.


Yoga Origin, Types & Goals

